Sizing Guide and Washcare Instructions
Sizing Guide
Washcare Instructions

Cleaning your Cap
There may be times when your cap gets dusty or even dirty. You may get sweat or stains on it. When this happens, it will require a proper cleanup. While it is not that difficult to clean, you must be very gentle since the fibers used in the cap are delicate and might be damaged if cleaned roughly.
•For DUST, you can use a soft bristled brush to remove the dust from your cap by gently brushing it away. Another effective way to clean the dust off from the cap is to use a new make-up sponge. It is not suggested to use of a wet cloth to clean dust off the cap as it might turn the dust into dirt and leave stains that will further require further cleaning. But remember to be gentle with the embroidery if you have to touch it at all. Neither is recommended for the white embroidery.
•For cleaning MUD, it is recommended to let it dry completely. Avoid cleaning it or washing it while it is still wet. Once the mud has thoroughly dried you can gently brush it away from your cap with a soft bristled brush or a new makeup sponge, the same as if it were dust.
•During the warm months of summer, your cap might get SWEAT stains. To avoid sweat stains, a paper towel can be used within the sweatband of the hat that will help in preventing the stains in the first place. Grease and oil stains are difficult to clean. It is recommended to use Fuller’s earth (Recommendation is from our supplier and not tested from Tacdor). Putting a few drops of Fuller’s earth on the grease or oily spot and leaving it for an hour or two will lure out the oil/ grease stains and then it can be cleaned with a brush.

- Do not wash your caps in the washing machine or dryers. Placing your cap in a washing machine may clean the material, but frequently leaves the shape distorted or unrecognizable and colors may fade beyond recognition. It best to not wash your caps, but sometimes it becomes absolutely necessary. If you find you simply must wash your cap, gentle hand-washing in cold water is best.
- Use a mild, liquid detergent or a dedicated stain-fighting treatment. DO NOT use any product containing bleach.
- If you have areas that are particularly problematic, try spot cleaning with an old toothbrush first. Be sure to use extra care near and around the stitching. Applying too vigorous brushing action on or near the stitching can permanently damage you cap.
If you must wash it.
- Add approximately 1/4 cup of clothing detergent to 3 to 4 cups of warm water. Swish the detergent and the water together, blending it with your hands.
- Hold the cap by the brim and dip the round, soft part of the cap into the mixture. Submerge the round, soft part of the cap, but do not get the brim wet.
- Pull the cap out of the water and shake the excess water off it and into the bowl. Scrub the soft, round part of the cap with your hands, rubbing parts of it together to remove lodged-in dirt. Dunk the soft part of the cap in the basin again and repeat until you feel you have dislodged all the dirt.
- Pour warm, clean water all over the soft part of the cap to rinse it thoroughly. Be careful not to get the cap wet. Dunk a toothbrush in the basin of water and detergent.
- Scrub the brim of the cap with a toothbrush, dipping the toothbrush repeatedly into the water and detergent mixture. Make sure to scrub on the bottom of the cap as well.
- Pour the water and detergent out of the basin and rinse the basin thoroughly. Fill the basin with clean, warm water. Dip your toothbrush in the warm water and scrub the brim of the hat with warm water, rinsing it completely.
- Stuff paper towels into the soft part of the hat so that when it dries, it keeps its shape. Rest the hat on a towel as it dries and keep it out of direct sunlight or heat to avoid warping the hat's color or shape.
- Just let the hat dry naturally by placing it in a well-ventilated space after blotting the excessive water with a cloth or towel. Some people try to dry the hat immediately with a hair dryer; however, it is strongly recommended to not do this as the hot air from a hair dryer might shrink the hat's fibers and de-shape your hat.
- As you air dry your hat, find something to help protect its shape. Don't let it just crumpled on the counter. Find a coffee jar, a canister, a balled-up towel (combinations of each), or perhaps a mannequin head if you happen to have one lying around. This will ensure the hat’s shape stays true and doesn’t crinkle up.
- It's a good idea to place a towel under the whatever you choose too; no matter how much patting you do your hat is still going to drip as it dries